Friends Kids Pose
The download is at the bottom

FRIENDS | Trio pose (Kids)
♥ 1 trio pose for kids
♥ In game
♥ You will need Andrew's pose player and the Teleport any sims mod
♥ Please do not re-upload without a permission or claim as yours
♥ And tell me in comments if you like my poses so I continue creating them
♥ Tag me if you use my poses on your posts (but you're not obliged to) or something like that
♥ Models : Glain Wicker, Mila Jovani, Will Jeckling
♥ Don't forget to subscribe my Youtube Channel , my Sense Letters or my Instagram for more poses, animations and
quality cc !
♥ If you have any problem with my cc don't hesitate to report them to me i will fix it.As usual you will need the poseplayer and the teleport a sims mods.
Don't hésitate to share ! But Don't claim as yours or re-upload without a permission please, thank you in advance.
You can get the cc's I used to create these littles sims here :